Liberty Township
21655 Main Street, P.O. Box 122
Raymond, OH 43067
Phone_(937) 246-0264 (voice-mail only)
Township Trustees: Mike Moffett - Chairman
________________Jerry McClary
________________Jack McCoy
Email for trustees:
Township Fiscal Officer: Jeff Rea -
Department Heads:
District Fire Department Representative - Jerry McClary -
Roads/Cemeteries/Maintenance - Jerry Welch - (937) 537-1154
Zoning - Terry Turner - - (937) 303-2028
Your township government consists of three trustees and a clerk, who are each elected for a four-year term. The terms are staggered so that every two years, either one trustee and the clerk, or two trustees, are up for election. The trustees take office January 1st and the clerk April 1st, following their election.
The Board of Township Trustees is the overall governing body of the township. They decide issues of township policy and are responsible for all expenditures of township funds. They also appoint the township's zoning officials and hire township employees.
The authority of township government is limited to only those specific duties, which are delegated by state law. Townships do not have the authority to pass law, or to offer basic services such as water and sewer.
While the trustees have no direct authority over these services, your township officials can act as community spokespersons, bringing problems to the attention of higher elected officials and assisting with the solution of such problems. Your Liberty Township officials are always available to assist residents with problems dealing with township, county and state government.
Meeting dates:
The Liberty Township Trustees will meet the first Monday of each month at the Liberty Township meeting room, or the Community Center. All monthly meetings shall be held at the same time and location, unless otherwise posted on the township's bulletin board and/or township web site -- Special meetings and/or emergency meetings will be posted on the township's bulletin board and/or web site at the earliest possible time prior to meetings. Any news media and/or individuals desiring personal notification of future meetings should contact the Township Fiscal Officer for notification instructions.
Jeff Rea, Fiscal Officer
PO Box 122
Raymond, Ohio 43067