Liberty Township Board of Zoning Appeals

Ohio Revised Code, in Chapter 519, provides that local jurisdictions that adopt zoning resolutions shall empanel a Board of Zoning Appeals ("BZA"). 

ORC 519.13(A) In any township which adopts zoning regulations the board of township trustees shall appoint a township board of zoning appeals composed of five members who shall be residents of the unincorporated territory in the township included in the area zoned. The board of township trustees may appoint two alternate members to the township board of zoning appeals, for terms to be determined by the board of township trustees. 

Your current BZA members are:

  • Jerry Rea, chair, term expires 1/1/2025
  • Sue Carl, secretary, term expires 1/1/2026
  • Sarah Phipps, full member, term expires 1/1/2027
  • Judi Brinson, full member, term expires 1/1/2028
  • Dave Brinson, full member, term expires 1/1/2029​
  • Hayes Ingram, alternate member, no set term
  • Mike Owens, alternate member, no set term

​BZA members serve on an ad hoc basis, meaning they meet only when necessary, and not on a regular schedule. In practice, the BZA is called to render decisions in three types of cases. 

  • Conditional use request. The Liberty Township Zoning Resolution ("the Resolution") defines two classes of property use: "permitted" and "conditional." The Zoning Inspector is authorized to issue permits and/or certificates for "permitted" uses. But "conditional" uses may only be pursued after being heard and approved by the BZA.
  • Variance request. A variance is a one-time exemption from the literal terms of the Resolution. A variance is sought when the terms of the Resolution prevent the Zoning Inspector from issuing a permit.
  • Appeal. Adverse zoning decisions made by the Zoning Inspector or any other administrative employee of the Township can be appealed to the BZA.

All proceedings of the BZA are public, and all meetings of the BZA are open to public attendance. Every BZA hearing is advertised in the Marysville Journal-Tribune at least ten days in advance. 

You can click on the "Announcements" button at the left to learn about recent and future BZA activities.​